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M6L Policies: M6L Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

What is social media? 

Social media, defined here as the use of third party hosted online technologies that facilitate social interaction, offers the M6L more interactive ways to connect, to share, to listen, and to engage with the university community. It also enables M6L librarians to create and to share the library’s content, events, updates with the AUI community. 


Purpose of Mohammed VI Library social media channels

  1. Enable M6L to pursue its mission and goals online, while promoting the library resources and services. 

  1. Facilitate communication with M6L users: connect, share, listen to M6L’s users and engage them. 

  1. Build brand loyalty and change M6L reputation. 


Who can use M6L social media channels? 

The M6L Director, R&LS librarians, and C&A librarians are free to use M6L social media channels; publish, share, comment, and reply. Also, workers students and interns can have a limited access as an “Editor Role”. 


How can M6L social media channels be used? 

M6L staff should consider the ALA's Code of Ethics and Social media policy and procedure of Al Akhawayn University when using Social Media. 


General Guidelines 

How to use social media effectively? 

  • Consider M6L social media as a space of interaction and learning. 

  • M6L staff who are using social media channels should be aware that what they are saying is representing the library and that what they post is public and permanent. 

  • M6L staff should post interesting things that the university community will care about. 

  • Librarians should reflect, when using social media, the purpose of the library by using appropriate humor, photos, facts, current events. 

  • Librarians should link their postings on social media with M6L content.  

We will not post: 

  • Items or comments that are racist, sexist, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive. 

  • Personal attacks or insults. 

  • Plagiarized or copyrighted material. 

  • Commercial promotions or spam.