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Programming challenges CSC3361: Home

The course is designed to prepare advanced students for successful competition in programming contests. The course will introduce an interesting variety of subjects in programming, algorithms...

Vocabulary list

Please use the vocabulary list below to search the library catalog, through the keyword function, to identify materials relevant to this course.

  • Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Discrete mathematics
  • International ACM Programming



The course is designed to prepare advanced students for successful competition in programming contests. The course will introduce an interesting variety of subjects in programming, algorithms, and discrete mathematics though puzzles and problems which have appeared in the International ACM Programming Contest and similar venues.

Library of Congress Classes and Subclasses

Please use the call number below to search the library catalog, through the Call Number function, to browse the library collection listing materials relevant to this course.


Subclass QA

QA1-939                                 Mathematics

QA1-43                                        General

QA47-59                                       Tables

QA71-90                                       Instruments and machines

QA75-76.95                                        Calculating machines

QA75.5-76.95                                     Electronic computers.  Computer science

QA76.75-76.765                                       Computer software

QA101-(145)                                 Elementary mathematics.  Arithmetic

QA150-272.5                                Algebra

QA273-280                                   Probabilities.  Mathematical statistics

QA299.6-433                                Analysis

QA440-699                                   Geometry.  Trigonometry.  Topology

QA801-939                                   Analytic mechanics

Subject Guide