This subject guide is designed to help you identify some of the resources on Islamic Civilization available at Mohammed VI Library. It lists reference materials, books, periodicals, online resources & government documents available in the library’s print collection, electronic databases, and on the free web.
1- Vocabulary List (for searching our catalog at or databases)
- Arab world, Middle East, North Africa, MENA, Arab countries, Islamic countries, Maghreb/Maghrib
- Arabic history, Arabic culture, Arab civilization, Arab society
- Arab nationalism, pan-Arabism, east and west
- Islam, Muslims, Islam and politics, Islamic history, Islamic culture, Islamic society, Islam and state, Islamic Education
2- Library of Congress Classes and Subclasses
These classes and subclasses contain books and other materials related to Islamic Civilization. Each shelf in the library lists the classes and subclasses that are contained on that shelf.
- BP 1 to BP 253 : Islam
- D: History of the World (General)
- DS: History of Asia
- DT: History of Africa
- HM : Sociology (general)
- PJ: Arabic Literature
3- General Collection (Main reading room, room 4 and 2nd floor)
- A brief history of Islam BP50 .S65 2004 c.1
- Islamic law BP144 .I829 2011 v.1 to v.4
- Islam in world politics BP173.5 .I76 2005
- Reconfiguring Islamic tradition BP166.14.M63 H33 2009
- Muslim ethics : emerging vistas BJ1291 .S35 2009
- Islam : state and society BP173.7.I857 1988
- Islam and education LC903 .I85 2007
- The city in the Islamic world HT147.5 .C59 2008 v.1 & v.2
- الثقافة وازمة الهوية العربية DS36.88 .R34 2010
- Islam et mondialisation JZ1242 .I85 2009
4- Reference Collection (Main reading room)
- Islamic desk reference Ref DS35.53 .I83 1994
- Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world Ref BP40 .E525 2004 v.1 & v.2
- Dictionnaire mondial de l'islamisme Ref BP40 .D53 2002
- A popular dictionary of Islam Ref BP40 .N48 1992 c.1
- Dictionnaire amoureux de l'islam Ref BP188.16.L68 C43 2004
- The Columbia world dictionary of Islamism Ref BP40 .D5313 2007
5- Print Periodicals / Serials Collection / World Bank (Academic Journals Room, ground floor)
- Die Welt Des Islams
- Index Islamicus
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
- Medieval Encounters
- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal
- Arab World Geographer
- Islamic Law and Society
- Hawwa
- Journal of Muslim Mental Health
- Muslim world
World Bank:
- An application of Islamic banking principles to microfinance FY/0672/MNA
- Risk analysis for Islamic banks FY/393/WBA
6- Databases and E-journals:
The following are important research databases and E-journals that frequently publish research on Islamic Civilization issues. Search our databases
Selected Databases
- Enyclopedia of Islam
- Academic Search Complete
- Chronicle of Higher education
- Sage Journals Online
Selected E-journals
- Islamic Law and Society JSTOR
- Ars Islamica JSTOR
- Ars Orientalis JSTOR
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies JSTOR
- Middle East Journal JSTOR
- Middle Eastern Studies JSTOR
- Islam & Science Academic Search Complete
- Journal of Asian and African Studies Sage Journals Online
- Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- Arab Studies Quarterly EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- Middle Eastern Studies EBSCO Academic Search Complete
7- Selected E-Books:
AUI collection (
- Islam and democracy / Esposito, John L.
- Ramadan in Java : the joy and jihad of ritual fasting
Google Books (
8- Other Websites and E-Books: