This Course Guide is designed to help you identify some of the resources on Entrepreneurship available at Mohammed VI Library. It lists reference materials, books, periodicals, online resources & government documents available in the library’s print collection, electronic databases, and on the free web.
1- Vocabulary List (for searching our catalog at or databases)
- Entrepreneurship
- Small Business Management
- Leadership
- Marketing
2- Library of Congress Classes and Subclasses
These classes and subclasses contain books and other materials related to Entrepreneurship. Each shelf in the library lists the classes and subclasses that are contained on that shelf.
- HB – Economic Theory, Demography
- HC – Economic History and Conditions
- HD – Industries, Land use, Labor
- HF – Commerce
- HG - Finance
3- Selected Books in General Collection and their Call Numbers (Main Reading Room, Room 4 and 2nd floor)
This is a general list of books related to different topics covered in your class. Use the vocabulary list above or browse the shelves that hold these books to find many more. **Note: Atlases are found on the reference shelves and in 3 atlas stands in the Main Reading Room.
- Entrepreneurship HB615 .C295 2007
- Getting started in entrepreneurship HD62.5 .K35 2001
- Entrepreneurship : a planning approach HD62.5.F79 1993
- Entrepreneurship : a process perspective HB615 .B365 2008
- Entrepreneurs are made not born HB615.S495 1994
- New venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st century HD62.5.T55 2004
4- Reference Collection (Main reading room)
- International encyclopedia of economics / editor, Frank N. Magill HB61 .I64 1997
- Dictionnaire de management et de contrôle de gestion / Bernard Dervaux HD30.15 .D47 1990
- The concise Blackwell encyclopedia of management / L.Cooper, C.Argyris HD30.15 .C66 1998
- Le Robert & Collins du management pratique : dictionnaire fr-ang, ang-fr HD30.15 .D88 2000
5- Print Periodicals / Serials Collection / World Bank (Academic Journals Room, ground floor)
- Academy of Management journal
- African business
- Applied economics.
- Business economics : the journal of the National Association of Business Economists
- Contemporary economic policy
6- Databases and E-journals:
The following are important research databases and E-journals that frequently publish research on Major works in world literature.
Selected Databases
- SAGE Journals
- EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- EBSCO Regional Business News
Selected E-journals in full text
- Journal of Entrepreneurship SAGE Journals
- International Small Business Journal SAGE Journals
- Journal of Management SAGE Journals
- International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences Academic Search Complete
- International Journal of Research & Review Academic Search Complete
- Ivey Business Journal Regional Business News
- Journal of Business Ethics JSTOR
7- Selected E-Books: