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Software Testing CSC 5372: Home

This Course Guide helps you identify some of the resources available at Mohammed VI Library. For more information please get in touch with Your Librarian whose contact information is listed below right.

Vocabulary list

  • Software testing
  • Debugging
  • Test process
  • Test Metrics




The course of Software testing comes right after the implementation of a software. The main purpose of this sub process is to assess the quality of a software by comparing given output with the required one. It also refers to the process of running programs to detect bugs.

Library of Congress Classes and Subclasses


Subclass QA

QA71-90                                       Instruments and machines

QA75-76.95                                 Calculating machines

QA75.5-76.95                               Electronic computers.  Computer science

QA76.75-76.765                          Computer software



Subject Guide